Sunday, May 24, 2020
Art Museum Report The J. Paul Getty Museum - 1713 Words
CRN 71523 - ONLINE Valeriia Baumgard Museum Report – The J. Paul Getty Museum Vincent van Gogh – Irises, 1889, oil on canvas Perhaps illness so influenced the artistic style of Van Gogh, but the picture turned out completely different to all that the artist wrote so far. This is not a Van Gogh, who was known. In the canvas, there is tension, anxiety, dense colors and warm shades of olive-mustard. On the contrary, here there is some kind of lightness, airiness, and transparent weightlessness. On the manner of execution, the pattern resembles Japanese prints: iris field full of peace, a lightness, and transparency. Irises are simple and unique, they are striking in their serenity and the ability to remove the internal stress of everyone who saw at least reproduction. Painting simply breathes watercolor, translucency and make to look at it more than one hour. In the painting Irises Van Gogh portrayed the part of the field, very often dotted with flowers. Here we see not only the iris, which gave the name of a masterpiece, but also other colors. Of course, the irises are central to the composition. There is no background, but warm soft shades of the earth depicted blurred stripes and a warming glow beds of flowers. That glow enters with a picture of the outside world and gives it visibility and tenderness. Using different shades of green, yellow and purple colors, he creates a real rhythm of lines properly attached in drawing completeness. Rich and gentle at the same timeShow MoreRelatedCultural Activity Report1002 Words  | 5 PagesActivity Report Student: Danny Franco Professor: Dr. Caren Stayer HUM 111 December 12, 2014 For my cultural event, I visited the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California on Thursday, December 11, 2014. I had originally planned to visit the National Museum of Art and History in Washington D.C., but I found myself in Los Angeles due to the birth of my Grandson. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Government And Its Effects On The Minority Report By...
The government plays a major role in dystopic stories and novels, and as these stories start to unfold, one can see the flaws in which how government works and how if effects the rest of society. In the Minority Report, written by Philip K. Dick, the mechanisms of the government’s systems begins to show different flaws when surveillance is use to determine the pre-crime of major crimes, and what happens to their citizens once a verdict is reached. Any type of Government surveillance can do more harm than good, due to the fact they invade the privacy of the people, in some cases resulting in giving innocent people unfair and unlawful punishments, and also because it can fail to protect and create an aspect of fear among their citizens. In The Minority Report, Philip K. Dick creates a government that can make an arrest with the assumption that their suspect is guilty, without taking into consideration that there was a minority report, which is the chance that their suspect is innocent. The people of this society had begun to see how this system is corrupt, and the coming to the point of how, â€Å"If no arrests were made, there would still have been no crimes committed.†As people see the chances of innocent citizens being arrested for no crime, they begin to think, how many murders would actually take place, and how many people would be falsely accused. When the flaw of arresting innocent people is first drawn to attention, it is made clear that any person who had be given aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Philip K. Dick1915 Words  | 8 Pages2017 The author I have been studying is Philip K. Dick. He is an american author who was prominent in the 1950’s and 60’s. Several of his books have been turned into famous movies and he has a wide range of stories. Dick was a successful writer because of how much he wrote often writing more than fifty short stories in a year. DIck turned to drug use early in his career often taking acid and other psychedelic substances. I believe this had a major effect on his writing and cause him to be paranoidRead MoreNew World Order in Conspiracy Theory13987 Words  | 56 PagesWorld Order.[1] In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a bureaucratic collectivist one-world government.[2][3][4][5][6] The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, which replaces sovereign nation-states, and an all-embracing ideology, which indoctrinates cosmopolitanism. Significant occurrences in politics and finance areRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pages GLOBAL COMPETITION One major factor affecting these shifts is the globalization of economic forces. As seen the past few years, the collapse of Asian economies had significant effects on U.S.-based organizations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Flipping Burgers Free Essays
Five days out of the week, I walk into work. I put on my employee shirt, my apron, my visor, and I get to work. I have the pleasure of making a ton of pizzas for 8 hours straight, no I am not necessarily ‘fond’ of it, but I do it because it gets me by and pays my bills. We will write a custom essay sample on Flipping Burgers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sure I would love to be in some upscale restaurant, but I a least have a job, and I do not take it for granted. Many people would prefer to not have my job; it’s a minimum wage, fast pace, difficult customer environment. But it is an opportunity that is not beneath my dignity, so to that, I quote Charles J. Sykes, in his article called ‘Life rules for Teenagers, â€Å"Flipping Burgers in not beneath your dignity†. I could not agree more with him. Millions of United States workers are employed at a fast food restaurant. Many Americans are probably working in two or more of them at one time, just to get by. They also realize that flipping burgers isn’t below their dignity, having no job and living off of others should be below ones dignity. Every day I see people on the streets, begging for money. Yes, everyone has their reasons, but everyone is capable or picking their selves up and applying for jobs. You can always advance in the job you have, you gain experience, and once you have enough experience you can apply for higher jobs and get further up the chain. It just takes a bit of hard work in some low paying jobs. For many people, their first jobs are in a fast food place, and it is just a stepping stone. Many work their way through school and then once they graduate, they are able to find jobs in their degree. Others find that they love working in fast food and end up owning them or managing more than just one store. A lot of fast food restaurants offer benefits and are always giving the opportunity for raises, only good things come from hard work. You never know where you will go when you first start a minimum wage job, but you know it will all be worth it in the end. You are getting yourself somewhere, and can be proud of that. One of my first jobs was working at a Quizno’s, there I also had to wear an apron and visor, I was 16 when I first got that job and might I say it was one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. Back when I did not have any responsibilities and whatever money I earned, I just got to pocket it. All I had to do every day, was make sandwiches and run register. Half way through my shift I always got a free sandwich and at the end of the day we always got to take home cookies or left over bread. How could anyone take that for granted? I did. I hated working there, thought it was so hard and embarrassing making sandwiches for other people, but now I realize how crazy I was for thinking that way. The other day I was talking with some friends and telling them about the paper I had to write. I told them the rule I chose, and one of them piped up saying â€Å"it is definitely below my dignity! †; She lives at home with her parents, pays no bills, and doesn’t work. She is naive and obviously doesn’t have a clue of what it means to have an opportunity. There are so many other people who also think that way. They also do not appreciate what is just kind fully handed to them. Others work so hard to just have half of what they have. I wish there was a way to imprint into every ones minds, to appreciate what they have. So tomorrow, I shall go into work and put on my uniform and work hard, because I personally know that making pizzas is not all that I have in store for my life, I am working and paying my way through school and although I dread heading to work every day I know that I am helping my future and preparing myself for other difficult, low paying jobs further in life. No one should ever take a job for granted or be embarrassed for what they do; they should always look at it as an opportunity. How to cite Flipping Burgers, Essay examples
Flipping Burgers Free Essays
Five days out of the week, I walk into work. I put on my employee shirt, my apron, my visor, and I get to work. I have the pleasure of making a ton of pizzas for 8 hours straight, no I am not necessarily ‘fond’ of it, but I do it because it gets me by and pays my bills. We will write a custom essay sample on Flipping Burgers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sure I would love to be in some upscale restaurant, but I a least have a job, and I do not take it for granted. Many people would prefer to not have my job; it’s a minimum wage, fast pace, difficult customer environment. But it is an opportunity that is not beneath my dignity, so to that, I quote Charles J. Sykes, in his article called ‘Life rules for Teenagers, â€Å"Flipping Burgers in not beneath your dignity†. I could not agree more with him. Millions of United States workers are employed at a fast food restaurant. Many Americans are probably working in two or more of them at one time, just to get by. They also realize that flipping burgers isn’t below their dignity, having no job and living off of others should be below ones dignity. Every day I see people on the streets, begging for money. Yes, everyone has their reasons, but everyone is capable or picking their selves up and applying for jobs. You can always advance in the job you have, you gain experience, and once you have enough experience you can apply for higher jobs and get further up the chain. It just takes a bit of hard work in some low paying jobs. For many people, their first jobs are in a fast food place, and it is just a stepping stone. Many work their way through school and then once they graduate, they are able to find jobs in their degree. Others find that they love working in fast food and end up owning them or managing more than just one store. A lot of fast food restaurants offer benefits and are always giving the opportunity for raises, only good things come from hard work. You never know where you will go when you first start a minimum wage job, but you know it will all be worth it in the end. You are getting yourself somewhere, and can be proud of that. One of my first jobs was working at a Quizno’s, there I also had to wear an apron and visor, I was 16 when I first got that job and might I say it was one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. Back when I did not have any responsibilities and whatever money I earned, I just got to pocket it. All I had to do every day, was make sandwiches and run register. Half way through my shift I always got a free sandwich and at the end of the day we always got to take home cookies or left over bread. How could anyone take that for granted? I did. I hated working there, thought it was so hard and embarrassing making sandwiches for other people, but now I realize how crazy I was for thinking that way. The other day I was talking with some friends and telling them about the paper I had to write. I told them the rule I chose, and one of them piped up saying â€Å"it is definitely below my dignity! †; She lives at home with her parents, pays no bills, and doesn’t work. She is naive and obviously doesn’t have a clue of what it means to have an opportunity. There are so many other people who also think that way. They also do not appreciate what is just kind fully handed to them. Others work so hard to just have half of what they have. I wish there was a way to imprint into every ones minds, to appreciate what they have. So tomorrow, I shall go into work and put on my uniform and work hard, because I personally know that making pizzas is not all that I have in store for my life, I am working and paying my way through school and although I dread heading to work every day I know that I am helping my future and preparing myself for other difficult, low paying jobs further in life. No one should ever take a job for granted or be embarrassed for what they do; they should always look at it as an opportunity. How to cite Flipping Burgers, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Breast feeding Essay Example For Students
Breast feeding Essay ?Breast FeedingTeaching Plan?Teaching PlanAssessment:Subjective Information: Mother is considering breast feeding as an option, but is unsure of methods and benefits in comparison to bottle feeding. Is unsure about herself and whether or not she will be able to perform necessary tasks required to breast feed successfully. Objective Information:Mother is 34 weeks pregnant, 20 years old, gravida one, para zero, previous smoker who quit after learning of pregnancy at two months. She works part time at a church and baby-sits occasionally, while attending college classes as a full time student. Clients Readiness and Ability to Learn:Mother is a high school graduate and also attended technical school where she learned to be a surgical technician. She is currently enrolled in more college classes and is hoping to further her education and become a Registered Nurse. Physical status is good, but mother is a little exhausted. Emotional status is that she is very ready for baby and excited about its arrival. Is ready for pregnancy to be over. Nursing Diagnosis1. Risk for ineffective breastfeeding related to anxiety and inexperience with breast feeding as evidenced by client showing signs of anxiety and stating that she is unsure about herself and her capability to performthe necessary tasks that are needed to be successful in breast feeding. Planning1. Learning ObjectivesA. Client will learn benefits of breast feeding as compared to bottle feeding. B. Client will learn different positions for breast feeding that may make the process easier for her. C. Client will learn proper methods for successful breast feeding. D. Client will be more sure of herself and be able to make the decisionof whether or not to breast feed, based on newly learned information. 2. Outline of Learning Content:1. Assess clients exposure to and knowledge about breast feeding, including any misinformation she may have previously acquired. Allow time for question and answer session about any concerns she may have. 2. Demonstrate to client various breast feeding positions and allow her to practice and try them using a life-like doll. Assist her, possibly withthe use of pillows, and help her to accomplish the individual positions. Continue with this until she is comfortable in performing all of thepositions, and has found at least one that she thinks will work well for her and is confident in executing. 3. Show client how to initiate her babys rooting reflex. Also show her the proper way for her baby to grasp her nipple and nurse successfully.inform the client of the consequences if this is not done successfully (ex.breast pain and insufficient amount of milk to the infant). 4. Advise client of feeding schedule for the new baby that is most beneficial for both the child and the mother. 5. Demonstrate for client the proper way to remove infant from the breast and advise her that this will prevent any pain or trauma to the nipple. 6. Tell client process of beginning feeding on next beast once first one isemptied. Instruct client to begin the next feeding on the breast that is opposite of the one she used to finish the last feeding. (This one should now be full and noticeably firmer than the other breast.)7. Provide instructions about proper nipple care (no soap, lanolin to prevent drying and cracking). 8. Instruct client importance of wearing a well fitting bra at all times as this may prevent a lot of pain and discomfort, and therefore probableunsuccessful breast feeding. Teaching Methods:1. Lecture2. Hands on learning using the doll3. Instructive and illustrated pamphlets about the importance of and processof breast feeding. .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .postImageUrl , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:hover , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:visited , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:active { border:0!important; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:active , .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u462d492e6391d336acb85b9588c09b4c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Communism In The American Education System EssayMethod of Evaluation to be Used:1. Return demonstration from client demonstrating various positions and techniques. 2. Client will be able to verbally express the importance and benefits of breast feeding. 3. Client will be able to make a knowledgeable decision of whether or not tobreast feed. Implementing1. Teaching will occur in the privacy of the clients own home, as she has notyet went into labor. This is where the client states that she is most comfortable. 2. This teaching will take approximately one to one and a half hours to complete. Only one teaching session will be necessary. 3. The clients sister will be present to assist the client and provide support. The sister previously breast fed her children and
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